
Turnip boy commits tax evasion limitless line
Turnip boy commits tax evasion limitless line

It's a mafia superpower he inherited from his mafia don father.

  • Fingerless Hands: Turnip Boy is a Waddling Head at best, but can swing a sword, open books, handle watering cans, and generally do anything someone with actual hands could do.
  • It's later revealed that this was an empty promise, and Mayor Onion not only became mayor and implemented taxes just to gain power, but he's also after a hidden weapon cache left by his former mafioso boss, Turnip Boy's father.
  • Corrupt Politician: Mayor Onion certainly doesn't treat Turnip Boy well for committing Tax Evasion, seizing his home and forcing him on a bunch of Fetch Quests before it's returned.
  • Cerebus Retcon: All those adorable little food creatures you meet throughout the game, including Turnip Boy himself? They've all been created by exposure to radiation following a nuclear war.
  • The Stag constantly vomits projectiles at you, Liz becomes a green mutant with slimy arms growing from her stomach and vomits deadly pools of toxic waste, and Mayor Onion begins wildly sprouting roots while also vomiting goo and growing bigger in both phases. A more straightforward and serious example comes from those exposed to the nuclear waste and radiation.

    turnip boy commits tax evasion limitless line

  • Body Horror: The Rotten as far as other food people go, such as a zombie lollipop that is dirty and has a band-aid hanging off of its side.
  • Further into the game with the twists being laid out, the sickly green glow from the nuclear waste, the bruise he gets on his head and potential to have Turnip Boy's head shaved as a cosmetic option, the blush sticker he has can more uncomfortably resemble the outline of his cheekbones when he's viewed head-on, as if he's suffering from radiation poisoning. Other characters such as the swaddled beans in the cooler, have the more conventional version.

    turnip boy commits tax evasion limitless line

    Blush Sticker: Turnip Boy always has some lines on his cheeks, which creates this in an unconventional way.There is absolutely no humor there, the music features air-raid sirens and is low-key, the true nature of the game's world is revealed, the color palette consists mainly of grays with a red glow like an alarm going off, the few enemies you encounter there are hideous and can kill Turnip Boy very quickly, and it's capped off with a boss fight against a horrific mutant that you inadvertently create when you expose a human girl to nuclear radiation. Astral Finale: The True Final Boss fight takes place in the upper atmosphere with a clear view of space, on ground launched skywards by the nuke Mayor Onion detonates.Ascended Fridge Horror: The game hints at its history in the early sections and while the player can figure that out, the characters themselves really begin to stumble into the unsettling implications without fully focusing or comprehending them, starting with finding war drafting documents and MIA letters in the Farmhouse, leading to seeing the ghost of the drafted son observe Turnip Boy in a hallway.And Your Reward Is Clothes: There are sidequests which award different hats for Turnip Boy to wear.Or most of them anyway until Turnip Boy came to their bunker and killed one of them. After the End: In the penultimate dungeons, it's revealed that vegetables first gained sentience due to nuclear radiation caused by a war that killed all the humans.You play as Turnip Boy, an adorable yet trouble-making turnip who, after failing to pay his taxes, is forced to become the mayor's assistant.


    Have you played Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion? If so, what did you think of it? Are you interested in trying out the free DLC? Let us know in the comments below.Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion is an action-adventure game developed by Snoozy Kazoo, published by Graffiti Games, and released in April 2021. It’s a fun little dose of content that should give fans of the game something more to dive into, while perhaps enticing a few on-the-fence buyers into giving the game a shot. At that point, they can visit the Sunset Station, ride a train to the Limitless Line, and face off against a new crop of enemies.

    turnip boy commits tax evasion limitless line

    Players are able to access the new content in Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion after beating the main game. You can give it a look below, courtesy of Graffiti Games on YouTube. However, Snoozy Kazoo and Graffiti Games felt that they could sweeten the deal just a bit more with some free DLC, which they are currently commemorating with a new trailer.

    turnip boy commits tax evasion limitless line

    The game itself is already pretty good – we gave it a 7 out of 10, praising the writing and design while finding some disappointment with the controls, performance, and backtracking. Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion is an “adorable” Zelda-like that has won its fair share of fans thanks to its charm and hilarious premise.

    Turnip boy commits tax evasion limitless line